Happy & Friendly Halloween

Of all the holiday traditions during the year, I’ll admit that Halloween is at the bottom of my list of favorites. I loved it as a kid – and our own kids love it today – carving the pumpkins, the dressing up, the candy, walking around in the dark with flashlights….
Until becoming an adult – or perhaps it’s just the day and age we’re living in now – the grotesque and demonic levels seem to be turned up. Trying to find a fun costume for the kids I try to not look at the repulsive decor available for purchase everywhere. I remember loving ‘horror movies’ at my friends’ houses when I was young… hiding under a pillow in the scary bits. Today, can’t bear to watch anything remotely like that. Perhaps because I know that the world has enough evil in it for real to wallow in it for leisure too. Additionally, costumes for a tall 10 yr old all of a sudden become very adult and super-voluptuous immediately if you know what I mean. Plus, everyone is very hyper sensitive about the evils of consuming too much sugar as well so you get to have a guilt trip with the fact that you’re not bringing in all the loot to your orthodontist to ‘buy back.’
That said… we do enjoy Halloween in our own happy & innocent way so far. Here are some cute decoration ideas that anyone would like. Also had fun with pattern blocks becoming pumpkins too just by chance.