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Playing with Math

Posted on Mar 2, 2015 by in LEARN | 2 comments


My mom gave us this “DK Games – Math Puzzles” game many years ago and both kids have enjoyed it – but with the addition of our Math U See blocks…. and a puppet friend…. this turned out to be hours of fun! BamBam had fun sorting the addition VS subtraction questions and answers – then matching them all up. He used the blocks to ‘check’ to see if his guesses were correct which was a great for review and problem solving if unsure.  I love puppets…. they bring out the competitive spirit in my kid and he loves it when his fuzzy friend loses… so he can console him, pat his back, tell him it’s OK…. and tell him the correct answer. If you’re familiar with Math U See – the subtraction is modeled by turning the blocks upside down. I love how colorful it is. ‘Chocol-eight’ is everyone’s favorite number, then there’s minty-9, vanilla-7, green pea-1, carrots-2, lemony-4, stinky-5…. yes stinky – because we had some Crayola scented crayons and the same light blue was ‘SOAP’ scent… and it was sooooo gross….. from then on it’s ALWAYS stinky-5.  Anytime you can get the senses involved – the better it sticks in their long-term memory.




  1. This looks great … do you know if the game is still available, I think my daughter would benefit from something like this!!

    • I found it on Amazon! But it seems extremely over priced? I’m sure my mom found it used….. I think I put a link in the post. Or search DK Games and see if there’s a DK web store?

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