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igneous rock is delicious !

Posted on Nov 29, 2013 by in CELEBRATE, LEARN | 1 comment


In science this week (R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey – Earth & Space) we read about igneous rock – and one of the labs included the making of our own – chocolate marshmallow fudge !

The chocolate chips and marshmallows represent rocks and minerals that are pulled into the molten mantle.  The heat within the mantle melts these and turns into magma.

Magma if it moves to a cooler location, or shoots out of a volcano, will slowly thicken and solidify.  This is represented by the turning off of the heat source after our ingredients are thoroughly melted together cooling eventually to it’s new solid state – a new ‘rock.’  If magma hits cold air or water, it can cool faster. This is simulated after putting our rock into the refrigerator.  Using a magnifying glass you determine if your hypothesis of large or small crystals is correct. I love cooking with the kids and let them do as much as possible from ingredient shopping, supplies gathering, measuring, cooking – and the best part is enjoying it all together as a family.

Not only was this a ton of fun for the kids – but the resulting fudge was super creamy, smooth and as good as any fudge purchased at places like Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory or others !! It made a lot of rich fudge so I internet searched to make sure I could freeze some so that we could enjoy it with family for Christmas when they arrive. Just wrap in wax paper, then in foil. When defrosting, wrap package in a dish towel and only unwrap after thawed. This should keep the fudge creamy not grainy. Packaged in a unique way – and these would make a lovely gift.



  • 8/9″ baking pan – line it with foil
  • medium heavy saucepan
  • stirring spoon
  • measuring cups, spoons
  • large plate
  • kitchen knife
  • magnifying glass


  • 1-1/2 cup granulated sugar (we ran out of white sugar … so we made up the difference with brown sugar, which you’ll see in the top photo the darker brown splotches …. would have been all white otherwise ;D )
  • 2/3 cup evaporated milk
  • 2 Tbsp. butter
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 cups miniature marshmallows
  • 1-1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 tsp vanilla


  1. In a saucepan combine the sugar, milk, butter and salt. Bring to a full rolling boil stirring constantly.
  2. Boil for 5 minutes, do not stop stirring !
  3. Remove from heat.
  4. Stir in the chocolate, marshmallows and vanilla and stir quickly until everything is totally melted together.
  5. Pour into the foil lined pan.
  6. Put right into the refrigerator. We put it on an inverted bowl so that the hot pan wouldn’t possibly damage the glass shelf – and also helped it to cool faster with better air flow around it.
  7. Let cool for around 2 hours.
  8. Remove and slice into small pieces with a sharp, thin knife.
  9. ENJOY !


1 Comment

  1. Yay, fudge!

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